A few years ago, I decided I wanted to make a 30 before 30 list which is basically 30 life experiences I want to have before I turn 30. Here it is (in no particular order)
1. Learn to drive a standard
2. Sky Dive and/or Bungee Jump
3. Travel to Africa and go on a safari
4. Own a home
5. Become a certified Red Cross Volunteer
6. Get stamps in my Passport
7. Fly alone (meaning nobody with me)
8. Visit Europe
9. See a Broadway Show on Broadway
10. Be an audience member on the Ellen Show
11. Work at an orphanage
12. See the Grand Canyon
13. Go on a Cruise
14. Experience Mardi Gras in New Orleans
15. Organize my photos and put them in albums
16. Grow a vegetable garden
17. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
18. Wear an enormously large hat to the Kentucky Derby
19. Take a picture with a monkey
20. Ride a horse
21. Score above a 100 in a single bowling game
22. Learn to change the oil on a car
23. Sail on an actual Sailboat
24. Play 9 whole holes of golf with my dad with out him becoming aggravated with me.
25. Visit all 50 states
26. Donate 15 gallons of blood or platelets to CBCO (I'm at 12 now so yes this is obtainable)
27. Touch a dolphin
28. Own a pet
29. Fire a gun
30. Cook an entire Thanksgiving meal for my family
And there they are folks, my 30 before I'm 30. The ones in red I have already completed. Looks like I have a lot of work cut out in front of me. Wish me luck!