So this past weekend, my friend Paula & I drove to Little Rock to visit our friend Betsy. We've all been friends since elementary school and we always have a great time when we're together! This weekends visit was no exception. We had a full agenda, and managed to get almost everything done. Our main reason for the visit was Betsy's birthday, and that the American Idol Tour just happened to be in Little Rock at the same time. We bought our tickets for the concert back in April (before we even know who the winner would be) and have been anticipating it since then. All of us are HUGE fans of the show and we all liked different people which makes it more fun! Betsy digs Anoop, I'm a Kris & Danny fan and Paula loves her some Adam Lambert (for reasons I will never understand). Betsy called me a week before we came down and told me she had all these plans for us to be at certain places and certain times and we WERE going to meet the contestants. I didn't really believe her and being a "stalker" really isn't my thing, so I was a little hesitant..but oh well, it was her Birthday weekend so I was game for anything! So Saturday..the day of the concert we had heard through the grapevine (aka twitter) that the contestants come out after their sound check for signings and pictures. We were already downtown so we were like lets swing by and if anybody is there, we will stop! Well we sat in a no parking zone for about 10 mins. and sure enough out walks Matt Giraud. We were stoked. We hoped out of the car (of course Susannah moved out of the no parking zone), and went to get in line with about 20 other people. After Matt came out, so did Danny, Michael and Megan. They were all SO nice and just seemed really appreciative to have fans waiting for them. It was about 180 degrees outside and no one else came out so after much deliberation and a huge debate about whether or not to wait on Anoop, we decided to leave because we had other stuff we needed to do. We ran to the mall, went and checked into the Peabody, and then got ready for the show. I've never been to and AI concert before, but it was FANTASTIC! I was so amazed by all the contestants they all did a really great job! My favorites were of course Danny, Matt & Kris. Kris' set was AMAZING! The crowd gave him a standing ovation and yelled for about 5 mins. It was great, and as cheesy as it sounds, I was really proud of him being a fellow Arkansan and all. After the show we decided we were going to wait out by the tour buses. The line was forever long and I was not excited. However, Betsy & Susannah being the girls they are just marched us right to the front of the line, and there we waited for the rest to come out. First came Matt, Michael, Danny & Scott. We'd already met all but Scott so we were excited to see him. Then came Allison (she wasn't too nice), then came Adam and the crowd went CRAZY! I couldn't help but laugh. People LOVE some Adam. I'm not a huge fan, but I was glad he came out for Paula. Then Anoop came and Betsy was so excited however he went to the other side. Boo. We tried our best to convince her that he was going to go to both sides, but he totally didn't. It was a huge let down, and she was pretty bummed, but then walks about Kris Allen so we all got really excited! He was so nice, and just genuinely thankful to people. He signed Betsy's iPhone, and then we left. Overall it was a great night and I was so glad I got to experience such a fun night with some of my closest friends! Looking forward to Season 10!