I was reading random blogs today and I realized that I had not posted in some time. If I in fact do have readers. Sorry. Because my last post was in January, I'll some up my February for you.
The apartment above mine was shot up.
Super Bowl Party at church
I got out of my lease at Chapel Ridge.
Moved in with Sam and Corey til I could find a new place.
Mallary had a birthday. We celebrated at Noodles...yum.
Hagen had a Valentines program at school. He's a spaz, and it was funny.
Watched Hagen, Reese and Olivia one afternoon we made cupcakes. Oh My!
I finally switched from
Alltel to AT&T. I know.
I went and saw Avenue Q at the WAC. It was completely
inappropriate but really funny!
Samantha had a birthday. We had a ballerina Rick's Cake.
My parents came to visit with my granny.
I moved into my new apartment. Clear Creek. They are nicer. I feel safe.
I ordered a king cake from Rick's for Mardi Gras. The baby was on the outside of the cake. Boo.
Lent started. I gave up facebook. I am having withdraws.
I went to Tulsa with the 8th Graders. It was very tiring. They have a lot of energy.
Well, now that it's mid March maybe I will post about it in April. Hopefully sooner. I leave for NYC in a day. I don't even know what to pack, but I'm ready to go.